The life of...

The Life of......Momma Duck, Papa Duke, Baby Goose and Baby Elf

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sleep Training

So as my daughter gets older Im finding more and more how wonderful being a mom can be, but also how hard and frustrating it is at the same time. Now opposed to what most think and what most advise. We are very go with the flow listen to our daughter kind of parents. While she still has rules and gets discipline from time to time, I've done things like baby wearing, baby led feeding, co-sleeping, let her lead on nap times. In all I've tried not to stress too much when she decides that 3pm is a better nap for today than our normal 12. I've tried not to stress they days she refuses to eat anything, or the days that she HAS to be touching me at all times. I believe she needs whatever shes is asking for, for some reason, and when that has been fulfilled well she will move on to something else. And so far for the almost 2 years of her life this has worked pretty well for our family. I have a very smart, outgoing and independent little girl, who aside from what most people think about what our parenting style would lead to, she is also very good at listening and following directions for a almost 2 year old.

Now comes to the dilemma. Our independent little girl is FULLY capable of sleeping in her own bed and through the night, she is also FULLY capable of putting herself to sleep. So the nights she refuses to sleep or stay in her bed or etc its very frustrating. I hate the idea of sleep training, sounds like a dog. However, here I am in our bedroom on the computer listening for my daughter to get out of bed so I can go in and tell her to lay her head down and close her eyes. While I know its best that she puts herself to sleep (she sleeps so much better when she does), its hard. She isn't crying, but I know she is awake looking at an empty room and mommy keeps coming in with her "mean" voice and telling her to put her head down and close her eyes. Eventually we wont have to do this, and I know its good, and that I have this easier than most people do with the crying it out stuff. But how I hate sitting here right now in the other room waiting for her to fall asleep all on her own.

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